
The Message of Ruth: The Wings of Refuge is unavailable, but you can change that!

The book of Ruth is a tale of charm and delight. It tells about very ordinary people facing very ordinary events. We meet Naomi, who underwent hardship in famine and bereavement but eventually won peace and security. We meet Ruth, a young foreign woman from Moab who attached herself to her mother-in-law, Naomi, and to Naomi’s God. And we meet Boaz, who, by marrying Ruth, fitted into God’s...

the law to place the nearest kinsman in an impossible position. The unnamed goel now realized that he had two responsibilities and not one, and that both belonged together. He had a responsibility to Elimelech’s property, and a responsibility to the widow of one of Elimelech’s sons. Since he was the nearest of kin on whom both responsibilities fell, he could hardly accept one without the other. ‘Either he must play the part of the kinsman, or he must not.’18 Usually, we may suppose, if a man left
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